Saginaw Valley Chapter 216
Chapter History
The Saginaw Valley Chapter #216, of the Order of AHEPA, was officially organized and instituted in Saginaw, Michigan, on April 11, 1929. Thirty-eight Saginaw Greek Americans between the ages of 30 and 52 years pledged to joint this national fraternal organization on April 4, 1929, and established the local chapter.
Our Chapter strives to comply with the “AHEPA” mission to promote the Hellenic values that our Organization was founded, Education, Community responsibility, Leadership, Civic Responsibility and Family and Individual excellence.
Our chapter is very active and a strong supporter of our St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church/Parish
1. Strong supporters with the local Greek Festival one of the largest and most successful Greek Festival in the State of Michigan
2. We provide financial assistance to our local Greek School
3. We provide gifts to all High School graduates of our parish
Social Activities
Noted Leadership
Past District Governors: Tom Kanonas, Steve Vlahon, Jim Kokas, George Kallos, George Ioannidis (Supreme President, Sons of Pericles), John Ioannidis (Sons of Pericles).
State Senator: Dr. Roger Kahn
Saginaw City Councilman: Larry Koulouris
The Saginaw Valley Chapter #216, always enjoyed strong membership and has produced strong leadership for Local, District and National levels. Our current membership is 50 strong, 6 are Life members. Our membership is very diverse, from blue color to white color workers to small and large business owners to professionals at all fields (Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers and Politicians at the local and state levels). We normally have one meeting/month (usually the third Thursday), September through May and an average of 15 members are attending.